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Order No.
1.5m: 17G10 P01 01
500mm: 17G10 P01 02
Technical datas
Sensor type: Linear temperature sensor
Insulation test voltage U_is: 2.5kV
Protection class acc. To EN 60529: IP65
Recommended measuring current for self-heating<0.1K: DC 1-3mA
Sensor resistance at 0°C: 100Ω ±0.1Ω
Change of resistance 0-100°C: 0.0385Ω/K
Permitted ambient temperature: -50…+200°C
L1 in mm: 500 or 1500
PT100 temperature sensors is used for measuring temperatures in technical applications.
High-quality PT100 temperature sensors minimise measuring errores and usually do not reuqire calibration.
Specifications depend on tpe and material. The especially small dimesnions ensure a quick thermal response.
Characteristic line
two-wire, 3m|6m|10m