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Technical datas
Sensor type: PTC Screw in sensor
Max. operation voltage: 30V
Nominal response temperature: 110°C
Tolerance of Eta_NRT: ±5K
Reproductibility of Eta_NRT: ±0.5K
Initial resistance R_25: <100Ω
Resistance at a thermistor temperature of Eta_NRT -5K: <550Ω
Resistance at a thermistor temperature of Eta_NRT +5K: >1330Ω
Resistance at a thermistor temperature of Eta_NRT +15K: >4kΩ
Insulation test voltage U_is AC: 1.5kV
Max. operating temperature: 180°C
Top bearing temperature: 60°C
Bottom bearing temperature: -25°C
Protection class acc. To EN 60529: IP65
Max. output pressure: 46bar
The shape's design makes it possible to achieve short thermal response times and facilitates the installation.
two-wire, 3m|6m|10m
2-wire, 1.5m|0.5m